ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hello there! Do you know what Virtual Reality (VR) means? VR is like wearing a pair of special goggles that makes you feel like you're in another place, even though you're actually still in the same room. WebVR is like that, but instead of needing a big fancy machine, you can use it just through your web browser on your computer, phone or tablet.

WebVR lets you experience these virtual worlds from your computer screen or your phone without needing those big heavy goggles that are used in traditional VR. You can explore all kinds of places, like the top of a tall building, or the depths of the ocean floor, without ever having to leave your home. People can even create their own virtual worlds online and let others visit them.

WebVR is like the playground where you can meet and play games with other people without ever leaving your desk. It’s like being in your own little magical world where you can interact with anything you want, any way you want. Pretty cool, right?