ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Wedding dress of Lady Diana Spencer

Okay kiddo, do you know who Lady Diana Spencer was? She was a really important lady in England a long time ago, and she got married to Prince Charles, who was also very important. When she got married to Prince Charles, she wore a really pretty dress that was very famous!

The dress was very big, and it had a lot of lace and silk on it. It was made by some really talented designers, and they spent a lot of time making it perfect. The dress had a long train that went behind Lady Diana as she walked down the aisle, and it sparkled in the light.

One of the most special things about the dress was that it had a lot of secret messages and meanings on it. There were flowers on the dress that meant different things, like love and happiness. And Lady Diana also had some special fabric from her own family's clothing sewn into the dress, to make it even more special to her.

After Lady Diana got married, lots of people around the world wanted to have a dress just like hers! But no one could ever quite match how perfect hers was. It was truly one of a kind, and it will always be remembered as one of the most beautiful wedding dresses ever.