ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


A weever is a type of fish that might not look very dangerous, but it can actually be quite harmful if you step on it. Weevers like to hide in the sand at the beach, and their spines can cause a lot of pain if you accidentally step on them.

Imagine you are playing on the beach and you accidentally step on a weever. The weever's spine gets stuck in your foot and it hurts a lot! It feels like a really sharp, burning pain that doesn't go away. You might even start to feel sick or dizzy.

To avoid getting stung by a weever, it's important to be careful when you're walking in the water or on the sand. Always wear shoes or sandals to protect your feet. If you do get stung by a weever, you should tell a grown-up right away so they can help you. You might need to soak your foot in hot water, take some medicine, or even go to the doctor. But don't worry, with some help, you'll feel better soon!