Imagine you're playing a game with your friends, and you're the one in charge of keeping track of the rules and making sure everyone is playing fairly. That's kind of what the Welsh government sponsored body does, but for much bigger things than just a game!
In Wales, there are different groups of people who are responsible for making decisions and laws that affect everyone who lives there. The Welsh government sponsored body is one of those groups. They help the Welsh government to come up with ideas and make plans for things like education, healthcare, transportation, and more.
One of the ways the Welsh government sponsored body helps is by doing research and giving advice. They might talk to lots of different people and groups to get a better understanding of what's going on, and then share their findings with the government. This can help the government make better decisions because they have more information to work with.
Another thing the Welsh government sponsored body might do is manage certain projects or initiatives. For example, they might be in charge of making sure that there are enough schools in a certain area, or that healthcare services are available to everyone who needs them. Again, this helps the government to make sure that the things they want to happen actually happen.
Overall, the Welsh government sponsored body is kind of like a helper for the government. They work together to make sure that everyone in Wales is being taken care of and that things are running smoothly.