ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Western Confederacy

Okay kiddo, so a long time ago in America there were lots of different groups of people living there. Some of these groups were from Europe and some were already living there before the Europeans arrived. One of these groups was called the Western Confederacy.

The Western Confederacy was made up of different tribes of Native Americans, like the Shawnee and the Miami. These tribes banded together to try and protect their land from the Europeans who wanted to take it over. They also wanted to protect their way of life and their culture.

The Western Confederacy fought against the United States in a big war called the Northwest Indian War. Even though the Western Confederacy was very brave and had good warriors, they eventually lost the war. This was a very sad time for the Native American tribes who were part of the Western Confederacy because they had to give up a lot of their land and many of their people died in the war.

But it's important to remember that the Western Confederacy was a group of Native Americans who worked together to try and protect their land and their way of life. They were strong and brave, and we can learn from their example of standing up for what they believed in.