ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Western religion

Western religion is a set of beliefs and practices that people in the western part of the world follow. It includes Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. These are religions that believe in one God who created everything in the world. They also have holy books that teach people how to live their lives and do good deeds.

Christianity is the largest western religion, and it believes in Jesus Christ as the Son of God. They follow the Bible and believe that Jesus died for their sins and then came back to life. They also have different branches, such as Catholicism and Protestantism.

Judaism is a religion that started a long time ago and believes in the Hebrew Bible, where they get guidance on how to live their lives. They believe in one God and follow a set of laws called the Torah.

Islam is a religion that started in the Middle East and believes in one God, Allah. They follow the Quran, which teaches them how to live their lives and do good deeds. They also have different branches, such as Sunni and Shia.

All these religions have different beliefs and practices, but they all believe in doing good, helping others, and following the right path. They also have special places of worship, such as churches, synagogues, and mosques, where people come together and pray.