ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Westminster, Maryland

Westminster is a small town in Maryland where many people live, work, and play. It's kind of like a big playground, but also a place where people have houses, stores, and schools.

Westminster is special because it used to be an important location during the Revolutionary War, which was a really big war that happened a long time ago when people were fighting for their freedom from a king. The town's name actually comes from a really famous place in London called Westminster Abbey, which is also very important to people who live in the United Kingdom.

Today, Westminster is known for lots of different things, like being a great place to take walks, visit historical sites, and even do a little shopping. People might go to the mall in Westminster to buy new clothes or toys, or visit one of the many parks to play on the swings and slides.

Overall, Westminster is a small but exciting place to be. With so many things to do, it's a great spot to explore and have fun with friends and family.