ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

White House Records Office

The White House Records Office is like a big library for all the papers and documents that are important to the president and the people who work in the White House. It keeps track of everything that happens in the White House and helps make sure that all the important information is stored and organized in a safe and secure way.

Think of it like this: imagine you have a special box where you keep all your important school work, like worksheets, tests, and projects. The White House Records Office is kind of like that box, but much bigger and with a lot more important papers inside.

Now, let's imagine that you have finished a really great school project that you want to keep for a long time. Instead of throwing it away, you put it in your special box so you can look back at it later and remember all the hard work you put into it. The White House Records Office works in a similar way, but instead of just keeping school work, it keeps track of all the important documents and records that are created in the White House.

These "important papers" can be things like memos, letters, speeches, and even emails that are sent to or from the president or other people who work in the White House. These papers can be about a lot of different things, like important decisions the president is making, laws being created, or even messages from other countries.

The White House Records Office makes sure that all these papers are properly filed and stored, just like you would organize your school work in your special box. This makes it easier for the president and their team to find important information when they need it.

In addition to organizing and storing these documents, the White House Records Office also helps protect them. Just like you want to make sure your special box is kept safe and secure, the White House Records Office takes measures to keep all the important papers in the White House safe from damage or being lost.

They also have to follow special rules and laws about keeping records. This means they have to keep certain records for a specific amount of time and make sure they are accessible if someone needs to see them later.

So, the White House Records Office is like a big library that keeps track of and protects all the important papers and documents in the White House, just like how you have a special box to keep your important school work.