ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

White Terror (Russia)

Okay, kiddo. So, you know how when you play a game with your friends and someone doesn't win, they might get really mad and try to hurt or scare you? Well, something like that happened in Russia a long time ago when some people didn't like the new government in charge.

The new government was called the Soviet Union, and they wanted to make things more fair for everyone. But some people didn't like that and wanted things to stay the way they were before. These people were called the "whites" and they started fighting against the Soviet Union.

The "whites" were really mean to anyone who supported the Soviet Union. They would hurt them, take away their things, and even kill them. This was called "White Terror" because it was like a scary, violent wave that swept across the country.

The "whites" eventually lost the war and the Soviet Union stayed in power. But the memories of White Terror still haunt Russia today. It's really important to remember what happened so that we can try to make sure it never happens again.