ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Wikipedia Zero

Wikipedia holds a lot of information like how mommy holds a lot of clothes in her closet. But some people around the world do not have access to this information because they don't have the money or the technology to use the internet. That makes it very hard for them to learn new things and to grow their minds.

To help these people, some special people made a plan called "Wikipedia Zero." They made a way for people to use Wikipedia for free without needing to pay for internet data. They worked with mobile phone companies to make it happen. That way, even if somebody didn't have the money or the technology to use the internet, they could still learn and explore with Wikipedia - just like mommy can still wear her clothes even if she doesn't have to pay extra money for them!

This was a BIG help to a lot of people who needed it. People around the world could access Wikipedia and learn new things without worrying about paying extra money. And it's all thanks to the people who made Wikipedia Zero!