ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Wilderness acquired diarrhea

Wilderness acquired diarrhea is when you get a tummy ache and diarrhea from eating or drinking things that might have yucky germs in them while you're out having fun in nature.

When we're out in the wilderness, we might not have access to clean water or food, which can make us sick. If you drink water from a lake, river or stream, or eat food that might not have been cooked properly, you can get sick. Your tummy might start feeling funny, and you might need to go to the bathroom a lot because your body is trying to get rid of the yucky germs.

To prevent wilderness acquired diarrhea, it's important to always make sure that the water you drink is clean, especially when you're out adventuring. Don't eat food that looks or smells weird, and always make sure that it's cooked properly. You can also bring hand sanitizer with you and wash your hands often to keep the germs away.

Remember, it's always better to be safe than sorry, so take care of your tummy and stay healthy to keep having lots of adventures in the wilderness!
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