ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Wildlife of Iran

Wildlife in Iran means all the different types of animals and plants that live in the country. Just like there are different types of animals and plants that we know, there are also different types of wildlife in Iran.

Some of the animals that live in Iran are bears, leopards, cheetahs, wolves, gazelles, foxes, and eagles. Each of these animals has its unique characteristics and behaviors. For instance, bears are big and furry and like to eat honey, while cheetahs are very fast and can run very quickly to catch their prey.

In Iran, there are also many types of birds, such as partridges, quails, and pheasants. Iran also has mountainous areas with a lot of different types of trees and plants that are home to many animals and insects.

Iranian government has created many national parks and protected areas so that animals and plants can live in their natural habitat, without any interference from humans. This helps to protect the animals, ensuring that they can continue to live and prosper in Iran.

In summary, wildlife in Iran means all the different types of animals and plants living in the country. Iran has a vast range of wildlife, including bears, leopards, and cheetahs, alongside many other animals and birds. The government is protecting these animals by creating national parks and protected areas.