ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Wilhelm Reich

Wilhelm Reich was a scientist who studied how people think and feel. He wanted to understand why some people feel unhappy or stressed, and why others are happy and healthy.

He thought that the way we feel is connected to the way we use our bodies, especially our breathing and movement. He believed that we have a type of energy in our bodies that he called "orgone energy".

Reich thought that when people are unhappy, stressed or sick, their orgone energy is blocked and cannot flow properly. He tried different methods to help people release their blocked energy, such as massage, exercise and talking about their feelings.

However, not everyone agreed with Reich's ideas. Some people thought he was too focused on sex, and others thought he was a fraud. In the end, Reich's work was not widely accepted by the scientific community, and he died in prison in 1957. However, his ideas have continued to influence some people's thinking about mental and physical health.