ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

William Charles Wells

William Charles Wells was a very smart man who lived many years ago. He was born in 1757 and died in 1817. Wells was a doctor and a scientist who wanted to understand more about how our bodies work.

He is famous because he made an important discovery about how people get sick. Wells noticed that people who had been sick with a certain disease called tuberculosis had something in common - they all had pale skin. He realized that when people had tuberculosis, they had a hard time breathing in enough oxygen, and that made their skin turn pale.

Wells was the first person to figure out that when someone doesn't get enough oxygen, it can make them sick. This discovery helped doctors understand that a person's skin color can help them figure out if they are sick or not.

Wells did lots of other important things too. He studied birds and found out that they can tell what height they are at just by listening to certain sounds. And he also helped make eyeglasses better by figuring out how to make lenses with different shapes to help people see better.

In summary, William Charles Wells was a brilliant doctor and scientist who discovered that pale skin can be a sign of sickness and helped make eyeglasses better.