ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

William Griggs (inventor)

Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of William Griggs? Well, he was a very important person who lived a long time ago, in the 1600s. He wasn't exactly an inventor like we think of today, but he did something really cool that helped a lot of people.

You know how sometimes you get sick and need to go to the doctor? Well, back in the old days, there weren't any doctors like we have now. People would get sick and the only people who could help them were called "witches." These witches would use magic to try to heal the sick person.

But sometimes, something funny would happen. The person who was sick would pretend to be really sick just so they could get some attention or make people feel sorry for them. This is called "faking it" or "pretending."

William Griggs worked in a place called Salem, which was part of a bigger place called Massachusetts. There were some people in Salem who were pretending to be sick, and everyone believed them because they thought witches could really make people sick.

But William Griggs wasn't fooled. He knew that these people were faking it, and he thought it was important to find a way to prove it. So he came up with an idea. He would ask these "sick" people to do some things that a really sick person couldn't do, like stand on one foot or touch their toes.

When the "sick" people couldn't do these things, William Griggs knew that they were faking it. He told everyone else, and they stopped believing in the witches. This was a really big deal because it helped people see that not everything was magic, and that sometimes people could pretend to be something they weren't.

So even though William Griggs wasn't an inventor like we think of today, he was still really important because he helped people understand that not everything is always what it seems.