ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Wing Bowl

Hey kiddo! Have you ever heard of something called a "Wing Bowl"? It's a competition that happens every year before the Super Bowl where people try to see who can eat the most chicken wings in a certain amount of time.

Basically, a bunch of people get together in a big room and they have plates and plates of chicken wings in front of them. They usually have to eat as many as they can in around half an hour. Then, judges count up how many wings each person ate and whoever ate the most wings is the winner.

It's kind of like a game, but it's also a big event that lots of people watch and get excited about. Some people even dress up in funny costumes or do crazy stunts to try and get more attention.

It might sound a little silly, but it's actually become a really popular thing in some places. People even come from all over the country to compete in the Wing Bowl and try to be the champion. It's a fun and messy way to get ready for one of the biggest sports events of the year!