ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Winged Migration

Winged migration is the story of birds flying from one place to another. It's like when you see birds flying in the sky when you are playing outside. But these birds are going really far and they do it every year.

The birds in the movie have to fly all the way from the Arctic Circle to South America! That's really REALLY far. They have to fly for weeks without stopping. Imagine flying for a few hours, your body would be tired, right? These birds have to do it every day for weeks!

The movie shows how birds have to cope with different weather and temperatures, like rain and snow. Sometimes, they have to fly over mountains or oceans. It's like a big adventure for them!

The movie also shows how people help the birds sometimes. They make places for the birds to rest and eat during their journey. They try to make it easier for the birds to fly safely to their destination.

So, winged migration is a movie about birds going on a big adventure and how people help them on their journey.