ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Winsor McCay

Okay, so Winsor McCay was a very important person who lived a long time ago and did cool things with pictures. You know how you like to draw pictures? Well, Winsor McCay did that too, but he was really really good at it.

He drew pictures that moved! Imagine a cartoon like Mickey Mouse or The Simpsons. Winsor McCay was doing that way before they even existed! He drew pictures that told a story and seemed like they were alive.

One of his most famous pictures was called "Little Nemo in Slumberland" and it was about a boy named Nemo who went on amazing adventures while he was sleeping. You might have had crazy dreams like that too!

Another cool thing about Winsor McCay is that he was really good at drawing things that looked real. He once drew a dinosaur that was so detailed and lifelike that people thought it was real for a moment!

Even though Winsor McCay lived a long time ago, his drawings and cartoons are still really important today. Lots of people study his work because he was one of the first people to do things with pictures that no one had ever done before.