ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Winterization is like putting your toys away for the winter. When the weather gets cold, we have to prepare our homes and things we use outside so they don't get damaged.

Let's say you have a bike that you love to ride during the summer. When winter comes around, it's too cold to ride outside and there's snow and ice on the ground. To make sure your bike doesn't get ruined, you have to winterize it.

This means you have to do things like take the air out of the tires, put a cover over it, and store it in a dry place. By doing these things, your bike can be protected from the harsh winter weather and be ready to ride again when the weather gets warmer.

The same thing goes for our homes. During the winter, we have to prepare our homes so they stay warm and don't have any problems. This means sealing the windows and doors, making sure the furnace is working properly, and maybe even adding extra insulation to keep the heat in.

Winterization is all about making sure our belongings and homes are protected during the cold winter months so they can be used again when it's warmer outside.