ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Wireless clicker

Have you ever seen a remote control for your TV? A wireless clicker is like a remote control, but for computers or presentations. It lets you control what's happening on your computer or presentation without having to be right next to it.

The wireless clicker usually has a few buttons that do different things. One button might let you go to the next slide in a presentation, while another button might let you go back to the previous slide. There's usually a button to start and stop video or audio, and a button to turn the clicker on and off.

The wireless clicker works by sending a signal to your computer or presentation software. It does this using something called radio waves, which are invisible but very powerful signals that travel through the air. The clicker sends these signals to a receiver that's plugged into your computer or that's built into your presentation software. When the receiver gets the signal, it does what you told it to do.

So if you press the button to go to the next slide, the clicker sends a signal to the receiver that tells it to advance to the next slide.

Overall, a wireless clicker is a handy tool that lets you control your computer or presentations from a distance.