ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Wireless transaction protocol

Okay, imagine you have a toy car and you want to give it to your friend who is far away from you. But, you cannot just throw it to them, right? Because it will fall and break. So, what do you do? You put it in a box, close the box and then send it to them by post.

Now, imagine that the toy car is some information, like your friend’s phone number or a picture, and you want to send it to them using your phone. But your phone and your friend’s phone are not connected by a wire, so how can you send the information? This is where the wireless transaction protocol comes in.

The wireless transaction protocol is like a special box that you put the information in before sending it wirelessly. The box helps to keep the information safe as it travels through the air between your phone and your friend’s phone. It makes sure that the information is protected from bad people who might try to steal or change it.

When you send the information, the wireless transaction protocol makes sure that it is sent in small packages, like tiny pieces of a puzzle. These little pieces of information are sent one at a time and put back together on your friend’s phone. This ensures that the information arrives safely and correctly to your friend, and they can use it just like you wanted them to.

So, just like the box you used to send your toy car, the wireless transaction protocol helps to send information safely and securely to your friend’s phone wirelessly.