ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Woman's Exchange Movement

A long time ago, women didn't have equal rights like they do now. They couldn't vote, own property, or work in certain jobs. But some women wanted to change that! They wanted to help other women learn new skills and make their own money.

So, they started something called the Woman's Exchange Movement. It was like a big group of women who came together to support each other and sell their handmade crafts and goods.

These women made things like clothes, toys, and decorations using their own talents and creativity. They would then sell these things to other women in their community, which not only helped them make money, but also helped them gain independence and confidence.

By buying from each other, they were also helping the movement grow and gain recognition. They even opened up special stores that only sold items made by women in the exchange.

This movement was important because it gave women a sense of purpose and encouragement. It also helped them gain important skills and experience that they could use in the future. Eventually, the Woman's Exchange Movement helped pave the way for women's rights and equality in many areas of life.