ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Women's fear of crime

Hey kiddo! So, sometimes women might feel scared or afraid when it comes to crime. This can happen because they might think that someone might try to hurt them just because they are a girl. This is called women's fear of crime.

It's important to remember that not all girls or women feel this way all the time, and that sometimes boys or men can also feel scared or afraid of crime. But, studies have shown that girls and women might feel more scared or worried about crime than boys and men.

One reason for this could be because girls and women might feel like they are more vulnerable or easier to target for someone who wants to do something bad. They might also worry more about things like being followed, grabbed or hurt because of other things like their size, age or clothes they are wearing.

It's okay to feel scared or worried about crime, no matter who you are. But, it's important to remember that there are things we can do to help ourselves feel safer. We can try to stay in well-lit areas, walk with friends or family, and trust our instincts if we feel like something might not be right. It's also important to tell a grown-up if we feel scared or worried about something.