ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Word of Wisdom

Well, sweetheart, Word of Wisdom is a health code that was given to members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by their prophet, Joseph Smith, a long time ago. This code was to help keep people from getting sick and feel happy and strong.

The Word of Wisdom has different instructions to help the members of the Church stay healthy. For example, it says that you should eat things that are good for your body and avoid things that could be harmful. It also says that you should exercise often and take good care of your body.

In this health code, there are some things that are not allowed, like drinking alcohol or smoking. These things can be dangerous to our bodies and our well-being.

So in simple terms, Word of Wisdom is a set of guidelines given by a prophet that tell us how to take care of our bodies so that we can be healthy, happy, and strong. By following this code, we show that we love and respect our bodies, and we can live long and happy lives.