ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Workers' Educational Association

Imagine you have a group of people who work together but want to learn more things outside of their job. They might be interested in things like reading, writing, math, or even art. The Workers' Educational Association is a place where these people can go to learn new things in their spare time.

In this group, there are teachers who know a lot about the subjects people want to learn about. They help the people learn by talking to them, showing them things, and giving them practice exercises. The teachers are very patient and understanding because they know that some people might not have learned these things before.

In addition to learning new things, the Workers' Educational Association is also a place where people can socialize and make new friends. Everyone who goes there is interested in learning something new, so it's easy to make connections with other people who have the same interests.

Overall, the Workers' Educational Association is a really special place where people can go to learn new things, make friends, and have fun!