ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Working memory training

Working memory is like your brain's workspace; it helps you process and remember information temporarily while you focus on a task. Working memory training is like exercise for your brain's workspace.

Just like you learn to ride a bike or play a musical instrument by practicing, you can also train your working memory by doing exercises to improve your memory capacity and recall abilities. These exercises can include tasks such as remembering a series of numbers or letters, solving puzzles, or playing memory games.

When you practice working memory exercises regularly, your brain becomes better at storing and accessing important information quickly and efficiently, which can help you in many areas of your life, such as studying, problem-solving, and even social interactions. Working memory training can be fun and rewarding, just like playing your favorite game.

So, in summary, working memory training is like a fun game that helps your brain become better at remembering and processing information temporarily, which can help you do better in other aspects of life.