ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

World Clock (Alexanderplatz)

Okay, imagine you have a globe, like a big ball. This globe represents the Earth, where we all live. Now, you know how the Earth spins around, right? It takes 24 hours for the Earth to make one full spin, and we call this time a day. During the day, when the part of the Earth you are on is facing the Sun, it is bright outside, and we call it daytime.

Now, this globe is like a clock too! You know how a clock has numbers to tell the time? On this globe, there are lines that go up and down and side to side, and they are called latitude and longitude lines. These lines help us figure out different places on Earth.

Now imagine you are in Berlin, the capital city of a country called Germany. In Berlin, there is a place called Alexanderplatz, and it is a very famous spot for people to meet and go shopping. In this place, there is a big clock called the World Clock.

The World Clock at Alexanderplatz tells the time for different cities around the world. It helps people know what time it is in other places even though they are far away. This is because the Earth is divided into different time zones.

What are time zones? Well, when it is daytime in one part of the world, it is nighttime in another part because the Earth keeps spinning. So, to make it fair and easy for everyone, we split up the Earth into different time zones. Each time zone has a different time to help people know when it is day or night.

Let's say you are in Berlin, and you look at the World Clock at Alexanderplatz. You can see the time for different cities like London, New York, Tokyo, and many others. Each city has its time, and it is different depending on where it is on the Earth.

The World Clock works by using something called electricity to make the clock hands move. It has a little motor inside that keeps it going and makes it accurate, so it always shows the right time.

So, when you look at the World Clock at Alexanderplatz, you can see what time it is in other cities around the world. It helps people who need to know the time in different places because they might have friends or family living there or need to coordinate things with people in different time zones.