ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

World Conference on Disaster Reduction

Imagine you're playing with your toys and suddenly a big storm or earthquake hits your house. You might get scared and not know what to do. That's why grown-ups from countries all over the world get together to talk about how they can help keep people safe during big disasters like storms, earthquakes, or floods.

They call this big meeting the World Conference on Disaster Reduction. At the meeting, people talk about ways to prepare for a disaster before it happens, and what to do during and after the disaster to stay safe. This can include things like making sure your home is sturdy and has food and water supplies, having an emergency plan with your family and friends, and making sure you have a safe place to go if you need to evacuate.

These grown-ups try to learn from past disasters to make sure they can help people as best they can in the future. They want to make sure everyone has a fair chance to stay safe during a big disaster, no matter where they live or how much money they have. So, the World Conference on Disaster Reduction is an important meeting that helps keep people all around the world prepared and safe during disasters.