ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

World Costume Festival

Hey kiddo! Do you know what a costume is? It's like a special outfit that people wear to look different or special. Well, imagine that there's a big party where people from all over the world come together, each wearing their own special costumes. This party is called the World Costume Festival.

At the World Costume Festival, people from different countries and cultures wear costumes that represent their traditions and way of life. For example, someone from Japan might wear a traditional Kimono, someone from India might wear a Sari, and someone from Mexico might wear a colorful dress called a Huipil.

During the festival, people can walk around and look at all the different costumes, take pictures, and even participate in parades or dances. It's like a big celebration of diversity and culture, where everyone can appreciate and learn about different parts of the world.

The World Costume Festival is like a big party where everyone gets to show off their unique and special costumes and celebrate their differences.