ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

World Customs Journal

The World Customs Journal is a book full of stories and information about how people from different countries like to trade with each other. Imagine you have a toy that your friend really wants, and your friend has another toy that you really want. You decide to trade toys so that both of you are happy. This is called trading.

Now, imagine you live in one country and your friend lives in another country. When you want to trade with your friend, you need to make sure that you follow certain rules so that both countries are happy with the trading. This is where customs come in.

Customs are like the rules that countries have for trading. They make sure that everyone is trading fairly and that no one is cheating. The World Customs Journal is a place where people from different countries can read about these rules and how to follow them. It helps them to understand how to trade with each other without breaking any rules.

In the World Customs Journal, there are stories about how people have traded things like food, clothes, and toys. There are also articles about how custom officers make sure that everyone is following the rules. The journal helps people to learn about different cultures and how they like to trade. It's like a big book of trading rules and interesting stories!