ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

World Day Against Cyber Censorship

Hello, dear! Today is the World Day Against Cyber Censorship, and that means it's a special day when people from all over the world stand up and say, "We want the internet to be free and open for everyone!"

Do you know what the internet is? It's like a big place where you can find all sorts of things, like videos, games, and information about everything! But sometimes, people want to use the internet to control what we can see and do.

That's called censorship, and it's like having someone telling you what you can and cannot do. For example, imagine if someone said you couldn't watch your favorite show or play your favorite game. That wouldn't be fair, would it?

Well, sometimes that happens with the internet, and that's not fair either. That's why we have this day to remind people that we should all have the right to access and share information online, without anyone stopping us.

We want to make sure we can talk to our friends and families, learn new things, and express ourselves freely. We don't want anyone to hold us back or tell us what we can or cannot do.

So, let's celebrate the World Day Against Cyber Censorship and keep fighting for a free and open internet!