ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

World Drug-Free Powerlifting Federation

Okay kiddo, let me explain to you about the World Drug-Free Powerlifting Federation.

Do you know what powerlifting is? It's a sport where people try to lift really heavy weights, like in the bench press, squat, and deadlift.

Well, there are different powerlifting organizations, which means groups of people who all follow the same rules and compete against each other. The World Drug-Free Powerlifting Federation is one of those organizations, and they have a special rule that other organizations may not have: all their athletes have to be drug-free.

Now, what does it mean to be drug-free? It means that you can't use certain kinds of drugs or substances that might help you lift more weight. These drugs are called performance-enhancing drugs or PEDs, and they can be dangerous if they're not used properly.

The World Drug-Free Powerlifting Federation wants to make sure that their competition is fair for everyone, so they make sure that all their athletes are tested for drug use. That means they check their pee or blood to see if they have any of those PEDs in their system. If someone is caught using drugs, they can get disqualified and banned from competition.

So, in short, the World Drug-Free Powerlifting Federation is a group of people who like to lift heavy weights, but they do it without using drugs that might give them an unfair advantage. They're all about fair play!