ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

World Tourism Day

World Tourism Day is a special day celebrated all around the world to show how important it is for people to travel and explore different places. Just like how you love going on adventures with your family, people from all over the world love to go on adventures too! They visit new countries, try new foods, meet new people and learn new things. Traveling is great because it helps us to understand and appreciate other cultures and ways of life.

On World Tourism Day, we celebrate how tourism helps to create jobs, support local communities, and generate money for local businesses. For example, when people travel to a city, they need a place to stay – so they might book a hotel or Airbnb. They also need to eat, so they might visit local restaurants. When people travel, they spend money on lots of different things, which helps the local economy.

But, at the same time, World Tourism Day reminds us to be responsible travelers. That means we need to respect the places we visit, their cultures, and the environment. We should always travel in a way that’s safe and sustainable, and make sure we don’t harm the places we’re visiting. This way, we can all continue to enjoy traveling and exploring the world for a long time to come!