ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

World Trade Organization Dispute 160

The World Trade Organization, or WTO, is like a big club where different countries come together to make rules about how they can trade things with each other. These rules are called trade agreements and they help countries sell and buy things fairly and easily.

Sometimes, two countries might have a disagreement about these trade agreements. This is called a dispute. And dispute 160 is a specific disagreement between the United States (that's where we live!) and China.

The dispute is about how much money China gives to its farmers. The U.S. thinks China gives its farmers too much money, which makes it harder for American farmers to sell their crops to China. But China thinks it's fair for them to support their farmers.

So the U.S. and China went to the WTO to try to figure it out. The WTO has a special team, called the dispute settlement panel, that listens to both sides and decides who is right.

The panel listened to a lot of information from both the U.S. and China and they finally made a decision. They said China was giving too much money to its farmers and it was unfair to the U.S. farmers.

Now, China has to change some of its trade practices or the U.S. can put penalties or big taxes on some of the things China sells to us. This is the way the WTO helps countries trade fairly and it's important for everyone to follow the rules.