ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

World War II atrocities in Poland

During World War II, a mean man named Adolf Hitler and his army, called the Nazis, wanted to take over the world. They invaded many countries, including Poland. The Nazis didn't like the Polish people because they were different from them, so they treated them very badly.

The Nazis did many cruel things to the Polish people, such as making them live in ghettos, which were like big prisons. They didn't have enough food, water or medicine, and many people got sick and died. The Nazis also took Polish people away to work in labor camps, where they were forced to do hard work for long hours without any breaks or rest.

One of the worst things the Nazis did in Poland was to kill millions of people in what is called the Holocaust. This means they purposely killed people because of their religion, nationality or ethnicity. The Nazis killed many Polish Jews, who followed a religion different from theirs, in gas chambers, which were like big rooms where poison gas was used to kill many people at once. They also killed many other Polish people who didn't agree with their ideas or who were part of groups they didn't like, like the disabled or the LGBT community.

Many people from all over the world fought against the Nazis to stop them from hurting people. In the end, they were defeated, but not before millions of people had suffered and many had lost their lives. It's important to remember what happened so that we can work together to create a world where everyone is treated with kindness and respect, no matter who they are or where they come from.