ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

World Water Monitoring Day

World Water Monitoring Day is a special day when people all around the world check the water in their local lakes, rivers, and streams to see if it is clean and safe for animals and people.

Just like we need clean and safe water to drink, animals and plants also need clean water to survive. Unfortunately, sometimes water can get dirty and unsafe because of things like pollution from factories, chemicals from farms, and even litter from people.

That's why on World Water Monitoring Day, people all around the world take a close look at their local bodies of water to see if there are any problems. They use special tools like thermometers to measure the temperature of the water, and tests to check the amount of things like oxygen in the water.

By checking the water regularly, people can make sure that it stays clean and healthy for all living things. And by participating in World Water Monitoring Day, we can remind ourselves of how important it is to take care of the earth and all its living things.