ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

World report on disability

Okay, kiddo. So, the World Report on Disability is like a big book that talks about people all around the world who have some kind of disability. A disability means that someone may find it difficult to do things that other people can do easily, like walking, seeing, or hearing.

This book talks about how many people in the world have a disability, what kind of disabilities they have, and what they might need to help them live their lives just like everyone else. It also talks about things that can be done to make life better for people with disabilities, like making buildings accessible for wheelchairs or creating sign language interpreters for people who are deaf.

The book was made by a group of very smart people who studied and learned a lot about disabilities. They wanted to help everyone understand more about what it's like to have a disability and how we can make the world a better place for people with disabilities.

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