ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Alright kiddo, have you ever seen a book with a bunch of pages that you can flip through to learn about different things? Well, a wormbook is just like that, but it's a book all about worms!

You see, worms are really important to our planet because they help make soil healthy by eating dead plants and leaves and pooping out something called "castings," which are like little fertilizers. But sometimes, scientists want to learn even more about worms and how they work.

So they've made special books just about worms, called wormbooks. These books have lots of pages filled with pictures and words all about different kinds of worms, like earthworms or roundworms. Scientists study these books to learn more about worms and how they do their important job of keeping our dirt healthy.

Next time you're outside playing in the dirt, see if you can find any worms and remember just how cool and important they are!