ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Wuxing (Chinese philosophy)

Wuxing is a big word that describes a really old way of thinking about how things in the world work. It comes from China and people have been thinking about it for around 2,000 years. It means "five elements".

The five elements that this philosophy talks about are metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. These aren't necessarily literal elements like oxygen or gold, they're more like categories for things in the world. For example, metal could mean a sword or a piece of wire, wood could mean a tree or a desk, water could mean a river or a glass of water, fire could mean a candle or a stove, and earth could mean soil or a rock.

This way of thinking was used to describe how these elements interact with each other, and how they change over time. For example, wood can grow in earth and be used to make fire, which can turn water into steam, and so on.

People who study wuxing think that everything in the world is related to these five elements in some way. By understanding these relationships, they believe they can better understand how things work and how to make things happen, like in medicine, agriculture, or even politics.

So, to sum up, wuxing is a way of thinking about how everything in the world is related to five different elements, which helps people understand how things work and how to make things happen.