ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

XML Protocol

XML protocol is a way of talking with other computers on the internet by using a special language called XML. Think of it like talking to someone who speaks a different language than you do, but instead of using words, you use a code. The code is made up of different tags, kind of like the way you tag your toys.

These tags tell your computer what kind of information you're sending, like if it's a picture, a message or a video. It also helps your computer understand how to process the information and what to do with it, just like how you would decide what to do with your toys based on their tags.

For example, if you wanted to send a message to someone in XML protocol, you would put a tag around the message that says "text," so the receiving computer knows it's text and not a picture or video.

In short, XML protocol is a way of communicating with other computers on the internet using a code made up of tags that helps the computers understand the type of information being sent and how to process it.