ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, let me explain what xenelasia means. Xenelasia is a very big and complicated word, but essentially it means putting someone on trial if they are not from your community or country.

You know how we have rules and laws that we have to follow to keep us safe and fair? Well, sometimes people who are from different places might not know those rules and laws, or might not follow them because they have different ideas about what's right and wrong.

So, a long long time ago, in ancient Greece, people came up with this idea of xenelasia. It basically meant that if someone from a different place, a 'stranger', did something wrong or broke the rules, they could be put on trial just like anyone else.

Now, you might be thinking, "but that's not fair! Just because someone is different doesn't mean they should be treated differently!" And you're absolutely right. Xenelasia is actually thought to be pretty unfair, because it can lead to people being judged unfairly just because of where they come from.

So, while the idea of xenelasia was used in ancient times, nowadays we try to treat everyone fairly and equally, no matter where they come from. We believe that everyone deserves to be treated with respect and kindness!