Xenu's Link Sleuth is a computer program that helps people who have a website to check if all the links on their website work properly.
Think of a website like a big puzzle with lots of pieces. Links are pieces that fit together and help people get from one part of the website to another. Sometimes, these links get old or broken, like when a car gets a flat tire or a toy breaks. When this happens, people can't get where they want to go on the website, and it can be frustrating for them.
That’s where Xenu's Link Sleuth comes in! It works like a detective who goes through all the pages of a website and looks at all the links to make sure they are working properly. If it finds a broken link, it gives a report to the website owner so they can fix it before someone else tries to use it.
So, like a good puzzle solver, Xenu's Link Sleuth helps keep websites in good shape so people can easily find what they need.