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Yom Ha'atzmaut

Yom Ha'atzmaut is a special day celebrated in Israel to remember the time when Israel became its own country. It's kind of like a birthday party for Israel!

A long, long time ago, there wasn't a country called Israel. Different people lived in this area and had many different ideas. Some people thought that they wanted to have their own country with their own rules and ways of doing things. They worked really hard and talked to other countries to help them become their own country.

Finally, on May 14th, 1948, Israel was declared its own country. That means that people who lived in Israel could have their own government and their own laws.

Yom Ha'atzmaut is celebrated every year on the anniversary of this day. People in Israel have special events and parties, like parades, fireworks, and yummy food. It's a time to remember how hard the people worked to make Israel their own country and to be proud of their country.