ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Yoruba calendar

The Yoruba calendar is a way for the Yoruba people to keep track of time. Just like how we use a calendar to know what day it is and when special events will happen, the Yoruba calendar helps them keep track of important dates and plan their activities.

The Yoruba calendar is different from the calendar we use, which has 365 days in a year. Instead, the Yoruba calendar divides the year into four parts, each lasting around 91 days. These parts are called "moons" or "Ebo." These moons have different names, just like the months in our calendar have names.

Each moon is made up of seven weeks, just like our calendar. However, the Yoruba calendar also has an extra day at the end of each week. So instead of having only seven days in a week like we do, the Yoruba calendar has eight days in a week.

To make it even more interesting, the Yoruba calendar has four different weekdays, unlike our calendar where we have just seven days with different names. The Yoruba weekdays are named after different deities or gods in their culture. These gods are important in Yoruba religion and culture, and each weekday is associated with a specific god.

The Yoruba calendar is also used to determine which days are good for certain activities. Just like how we believe certain days are lucky or unlucky, the Yoruba believe that certain days are better for doing certain things. For example, they may believe that some days are better for farming or fishing, while other days are better for celebrating or resting.

To keep track of time, the Yoruba also use different symbols and signs. They may use symbols carved into wood or drawn on the ground to represent the different moons and weeks. This helps them remember which part of the year they are in and which week they are on.

So, in summary, the Yoruba calendar is a way for the Yoruba people to keep track of time. It divides the year into four parts, each lasting around 91 days, and each part is made up of seven weeks with an extra day at the end. The Yoruba calendar also has four different weekdays named after important gods in their culture. It helps them plan their activities and determine which days are good for certain things.