ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Yuvarlakia is a delicious food that comes from Greece! Basically, it's like a meatball soup.

The meatballs are made from something called "ground meat," which is just meat that has been chopped up into really tiny pieces. Usually, for yuvarlakia, people use ground beef or ground pork. They mix the meat with some other yummy things like onions, rice, and spices. Then they roll the mixture into little balls, kind of like the ones you play with.

Next comes the soup part! To make the soup, people usually start by boiling some water in a big pot. Then they add some special things called "seasonings," which are things like salt, pepper, and herbs that make the soup taste really good. They also add some vegetables like carrots, onions, and celery. After the vegetables have cooked for a little while, they add the meatballs to the pot.

The meatballs need to cook in the soup for a while until they are fully cooked through and no longer pink. Once everything's cooked, people usually serve the yuvarlakia hot in bowls with some extra vegetables and herbs on top.

So, basically, yuvarlakia is a type of meatball soup that's really tasty and a popular meal in Greece!