ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Z/architecture is a very special type of computer that does really important jobs for big companies like banks and airlines. It's like a special superpowerful brain with lots of different parts. You know how you have a brain that helps you remember things, think about things and make decisions? Well, z/architecture is a similar kind of brain, but instead of remembering your favorite game, it remembers really important things for companies like how much money they have or how many seats are available on a plane.

One of z/architecture's biggest jobs is to make sure everything runs smoothly for these companies. It helps store and process a lot of information really quickly so that everyone who needs it can get it fast. Just like how you can use your brain to remember things quickly, z/architecture can do the same, but for giant amounts of information.

Another job z/architecture has is to keep all of this important information safe and secure. Just like you might put your toys away to keep them safe, z/architecture puts away all of the important information in a special fortress, so no one can get to it except for the people who are allowed to see it.

Overall, z/architecture is a super smart and powerful computer that helps big companies do really important things. It helps them run smoothly, keep important information safe and secure, and helps people get the information they need really quickly.