ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Zanja Madre

Zanja madre is a channel that was built a long time ago to bring water to farms and homes in certain areas. Think of it like a really long straw that people used to drink water from a faraway cup. The word "zanja" means "ditch" in Spanish, and "madre" means "mother". The reason it's called "madre" is because it's like the main ditch that gives birth to smaller ditches that go to different places.

The zanja madre was made by people digging a ditch in the ground to direct water from a river or other source to the places where people needed it. They used pickaxes, shovels, and other tools to make the ditch. The water in the channel would then flow through a series of smaller ditches called "cañitos" to get to the farms and homes.

Nowadays, many zanja madre channels are no longer in use, but some of them are still around and have become historic landmarks. People can visit them and see the old channels and learn about the history of how people used to get water for their farms and homes.