ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Zero Freitas

Okay little friend, let me explain who this Zero Freitas guy is.

Zero Freitas is a man from Brazil who REALLY loves music. He loves it so much that he has been collecting records for many, many years. Records are like really big CDs that people used to listen to music before there were smartphones and iPods.

Zero has collected so many records that he has over 8 million of them! That's like having 8000 big stacks of records in your house!

But Zero doesn't just collect these records to keep them in his house. He is actually trying to save them and make sure they don't get lost or thrown away. That's because some of these old records are really special and important. They have music on them that you can't find anywhere else, and some of them are from a long, long time ago.

Zero is trying to make a big library of all these records so that people in the future can still listen to them and enjoy them. It's kind of like a museum for music!

So that's who Zero Freitas is - a man who loves music and has collected over 8 million records to make sure they don't get lost. Pretty cool, huh?