ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Zero-width space

Zero-width space is a teeny tiny space that is so small you can't even see it. It's called a "zero-width" space because it doesn't take up any space at all, even though it exists between two letters or symbols.

Sometimes, when you're typing, you might notice that words are being split up in weird ways. This is because the computer is trying to fit everything into the space you have, but sometimes there isn't quite enough room. That's where the zero-width space comes in - it's like a secret little helper that you can use to tell the computer to split up the words in a different way.

For example, let's say you have a really long word like "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" and you want it to break up nicely on two different lines. You could add a zero-width space between the "i" and the "c" - it won't show up on the screen, but it will tell the computer that it's okay to break the word there if it needs to.

So, even though you can't see it, the zero-width space can make a big difference in how your text looks and reads. It's like a super-secret way to control how your words flow without anyone ever knowing!