ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Zeus Web Server

Zeus web server is like a special helper that helps the internet work properly. Think of the internet like a big playground with lots of different games happening all at once. Some games need special help to keep playing, and that's where Zeus comes in.

Zeus makes sure that when you type a website address in your computer or phone, you get to see the website. It's like calling your friend on the phone and making sure they answer. Zeus helps the website talk to your computer or phone and sends all the pictures and words you want to see.

Zeus also helps other things happen on the internet playground, like making sure that people can visit lots of different websites all at once without them crashing into each other. It's like being the playground monitor to make everything run smoothly.

So in a way, Zeus is like a very important friend who makes sure everything works properly on the internet playground.